Troubleshooting & FAQs

LAA Troubleshooting Guide

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Linaro Automation Appliance LAA FAQs




Device Under Test

How do I purchase a Linaro Automation Appliance MIB?

LAA’s are provided on a loaner basis as part of a ONELab subscription.

Which MIB do I need?

This question is answer by going through the ONELab Comprehensive Assessment Reive found in the ONELab Users Guide with Linaro.

Power and Electrical

What voltage is required for my platform?

This is platform independent

How is the LAA powered?

The LAA can be plugged into a standard 120ac or 220ac outlet. The LAA can be ordered with US, UK, and European plugs.

My LAA shuts down when my DUT is connected and powered on - what’s going on?

Your DUT might have a problem where it’s overdrawing current (3-5Amps) whereby the LAA shuts down in order to protect itself. You should try another DUT of the same type and see if that works.

Connecting to your LAA

How to I know the LAA IP Address?

When you received your LAA, there will be a LAA Getting Started Card included. This card will have the device IP address on it. It’s a good idea to save this IP address for future use. See the LAA Unboxing section for more information.

Getting Started

How do I register for a ONELab account?

Go to the ONELab Account Registration / Subscription Enablement chapter

Is my platform compatible with the LAA?

Review the ONELab Comprehensive Assessment Review to understand compatibility.

How do I set up the LAA?

Please visit the Getting Started